Mine Own ("It's all about me!")
Links to two papers I wrote about Breaking Bad, during my last college semester (Spring 2012, before the fifth season episodes aired...so they clearly can't reveal a complete picture of what the show is about).
While I think I encapsulated some solid themes through earnest engagement, these two were ultimately the case of "Hey Professor, I don't really want to write about the types of things you want me to write about; so I'm going to do that obnoxious 'conceptual-medley' approach that's the fad amongst the college crowd."
So especially eloquent or insightful they ain't. They at least document my personal Ahab-esque question to hunt down the elusive explanation behind everything at work in Gilligan's show.
- Breaking Bad and Bad Faith: Walter White as Sartrean Anti-Hero
- The (Even) Darker Side of Anthony Mann’s Western Hero, and its Contemporary Progeny: Breaking Bad
Scholarship of Others (It's not all about me afterall, thank truthness)
I'm being loss with what I mean my "scholarship." I don't mean the type of unnecessarily "Breaking Bad and [Insert lonjg-standing philosophical framework here]." Examples of such, the two previous papers of pretensia I liked to
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